When I first started playing I loved the game. Reminded me of game of war early days. I read a lot about the company and they wanted to go a different direction then game of war.. So yes, I fell for it.. Started playing and in a matter of months it seems like T4F has stolen GOW playbook of... Screw the little players and lets make money.. Smh I say this being the #1 power player in zone, so this isnt because of money for me.. Its because they are ruining the game with their greed and all the smaller players that make the game fun are quitting left and right.. Terrible updates.. Id say, dont waste your time or money playing this game unless they fix diamond mine and gifting modes.. Etc.. Worst updates in last couple months Ive ever seen.. It is solely based on money for the developers and its a blatant slap in the face to the smaller players.
bris about Invasion: Aerial Warfare